Here are some Bat-man images I had been playing with just something to keep the design skills sharp, I don't think this would be the one I would stop with it just happens to be the one I was playing in painter with. Earlier you may have heard me mention I'm going through a black period, For some reason I've been on this kick with shadows and dark backgrounds... YEAH, YEAH, I KNOW ... Build a bridge and get over it, I will... HOPEFULLY HEHEHEHE. back to Bat-man. the thought on these images is the idea to push the look of the character a bit... HEY, its for me it's not for a client this time, so I thought I would have fun. and of course the Bat-man is © and TM of DC comics so I'm not trying to infringe on any copyright laws just having fun. I started out with a head design as you'll see in blue and purple this is probably my favorite one, this one would be more likely to be used in a movie or something and the body version of BATSY is OK... It's a little to mushy in the shoulder pads for my taste, PLEASE bare with me I'm still learning this painting thing. JU challenged me to do a full body HAHAHA can you blame him most the stuff I've been doing is head studies, SO... it's time to break out of that for a while. The bat head with the red back ground was an attempt to do a different face the sketch was better in my opinion when I got to the nose it became a bit...BIGGER ... some how, but it (in my opinion) this is just a sketch with paint so I'm chalking it up for a lesson learned... I tend to get a little silly putty in some areas while I'm painting, I'm going to have to try and figure that out. As I'm looking at the pencil sketch now the nose WAS BIG THERE!!! no wonder it showed up in the painting ... I'm sure Ju will help me or one of you other talented painters that MAY hopefully frequent this blog.

This would be a really wild Elseworlds Batman. Just looking at him makes me want to write a story to fit him.
this was one of those days when you just want to be inspired!!!! and you try to put on paper what you see in your head, and I'm sure you know what I mean!!!
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