Thursday, April 26, 2007

Trying some enviorment stuff

I was watching a tutorial that Julian a brother of mine sent me on Feng Zhu. If you are an artist and you want to strengthen your perspective, sit down and listen to his DVD ... MAN... The guy is phenomenal... my opinion... hes a mutant, with powers like that how you going to stop him. Well, anyway I decided to practice on my own stuff, I'm no where near his level YET, but one day!!! These are thumbnails probably much like you would see in story boards, so check it out, I was thinking about several different environments one was an attempt at something mid evil another was an approach on some kinda air transportation station. I was thinking... what if in the future instead of subways there were these above ground stations, and the last one was just a sketchy Feng approach on a city at ant's eye view and those are the images that have a purple look too it. NOW the blue one was a hanger of some kind with an opening inn the roof. the last two images I was inspired by a Disney movie and did these two warehouse shots. To be honest they are just sketches but MAN they were so much fun to do. If you are interested in the guy I'm talking about or the DVD you can see it here and this DVD doesn't do his work any justice check out his website, man this guys got skills.


Josh Silvas said...

hey man i came across your blog and saw these environments sketches. great job!, i have to give it a shot sometime. :)

Emissary said...

DUDE so glad you came by my blog it gave me an opportunity to see yours and WOW!!!! really nice stuff ... Hope you don;t mind if I add you to my list of hot artist, DUDE REALLY REALLY NICE STUFF!!!!!

Josh Silvas said...

hey thanx man! sure i don't mind. :)
can't wait to see what you have in store! keep em comin!