The above image was inspired by the image below, the nose is a little red but hey that's the cool thing about being an artist you get to be creative, add things that are not there or change things to make them work to get the desired look you have in mind . I changed the eyes the nose the lips a bit as you can see and gave her darker features like in the eyebrows which honestly was one of those happy accidents.

Wow!! i just found your blog and it is amazing. You are so talented. I LOVE this picture of Queen Esther. Do you do any other portraits of Bible Characters. This is truly amazing. Thank you.
Can you tell us about the original? The artist? Where you found the image?
I was online researching Esther for a message and I found your blog and artwork. Utterly amazing. This is more as I see Esther in my mind. Thank you.
Hey Ladies forgive my delay on this :
first to Naughtyminky: thanks so much: I do have one other bibe charcter on here somewhere, see if you can find him. thank you so much for your encouragement.
Revusan: I'm sorry I don't know much about the girl in the Image I found... I went looking for reference and I asked myself the question... What I THOUGHT queen Esther might look like, the bible said she was beautiful< I still don't think I did it the justice it deserved BUT thank you soooooooo much.
and Tamera: Please feel free to downloadit and use it especially if it is to be used to the glory of God.
Since you gave Tamera the use of Esther I hope that I can use it also for my Esther's Days of Purification Study Guide. Thank you in advance. Cynthia PreciousOils@aol.com
She's a hindi actress , her name is Kajol, look her up on google...nice artwork by the way
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Your work is good. In searching for pictures of Esther I found yours. We have a project in Haiti called the Daniel Esther Project. It is a mission to train a very few girls and boys for leadership such as a Daniel and Esther both were. I would like to ask for permission to use your picture of Esther but I also need a picture of Daniel. Can you do it? They need to complement each other. We want to create a Logo and in the future the artwork would be hung in the facilities yet to be built. I can send you more info on us. I leave for Haiti today to go receive a piece of land being given to us by the mayor of Milot, in Haiti, for our mission project.
Please let me know what you think. Thank you for considering this request.
Why I would be Honored. go right ahead and thank you for asking.
Thank you so very much. Can you create a Daniel?
A Daniel would be great, and, OHhhh, what about a Joseph as in Joseph with the multicolored coat? Thank you- a real blessing to find your blog!
I love your version of Esther!
I’ve written a couple of Christian musicals and I was wondering if I may use the image on the web page I’m building to show people my stuff?
As you’ve been generous in granting permission, I’m downloading ahead of time.
Hopefully, I’ll be up and running in 24 hours at Bibletheater.org and you can have a look (maybe a listen) to what I’ve done. Hopefully, it glorifies God and sells.
Now, about my comment on your Esther – I think it’s wonderful and inspired! In particular, there is so much emotion in her features. Your Esther seems to be a woman, no longer the teen beauty queen. She’s about to go before the king and there is a sense of sadness (her husband’s neglected her) and a touch of fear (she may be walking to her death) in her features. In spite of her incredible beauty, there seems to be no pride.
One of the commentaries I read suggested that Esther’s request for a banquet was a way of saying: “I want to have a relationship with you. I want to serve you.” And the king must have been saying to himself as he looked at her: “What am I doing eating and drinking with Haman when I’ve got HER!”
God bless in your work.
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